Kā pārdot programmatūras izstrādes pakalpojumus: stratēģijas, padomi un kur pārdot

Duglass da Silva, tīmekļa satura un SEO līdzstrādnieks, LATAM Kā pārdot programmatūras izstrādes pakalpojumus Zināšanas, kā pārdot programmatūras izstrādes pakalpojumus, mūsdienās ir atkārtots jautājums. Vai jūs zināt, kāpēc? Digitālā transformācija mainīja paradigmu attiecībā uz daudzām darbībām ikdienas dzīvē. Saskaņā ar Zendesk jaunāko pārdošanas tendenču ziņojumu klienti vēlas iepirkties tiešsaistē un sazināties ar uzņēmumiem digitāli. Ja…

Merchandising in Retail Sales Management

As competition in the retail market grows, retailers are forced to pay more attention to creating competitive advantages. It is not enough to use only traditional levers of influence on customers. You need to look for new ones. You can achieve success in retail by implementing merchandising technologies. The history of the emergence of merchandising…

Important nuances of wholesale and retail sales management

Unfortunately, many managers of wholesale and retail enterprises often face a situation when supervisors, justifying the lack of results in the previous month, say that there were only outstocks and promise radical changes in the near future. What’s the matter? Supervisors do not want to work? Can’t organize the activities of their subordinates? The supervisor…

Key Sales Management Tools in Retail

What is a sales management system? It is a set of activities aimed at solving all the company’s priority tasks. Special tools make it possible to combine several key processes that allow step-by-step implementation of the planned strategy. Let’s list the main sales management tools: Planning. Without planning, it is impossible to achieve strategic goals….

What elements are included in the retail sales

It can be said that the field of retail sales management involves coordinating sales operations, forming a sales department, and implementing innovative methods that enable companies to achieve and even exceed their business goals. When analyzing sales management, we will start from the idea that it includes both human resource management and management of sales-related…

The Role of Retail Management in the Modern World

Currently, the retail trade sphere predominates in consumer cooperation, which is explained by its high share in the total volume of the system’s activities and its functions. Retail trade develops on the basis of commodity resources. This is its material base. Commodity resources enter the sphere Retail trade of consumer cooperation from different and specific…

5 Prospecting Techniques That Actually Work

Send an email with information about “The 5 best cars of 2018” to a person who has read the following article: “What aspects should I consider before buying a car?”, and has decided to subscribe to your company’s newsletter. 5 Customer-Centric Prospecting Techniques Up-to-date prospect database :  Sellers need to identify buyers who are active in the buying…

Increase your sales with Inbound Sales

Previously, we’ve talked about the value of lead generation as a way to achieve more and better sales. We’ve also highlighted the importance of aligning your marketing and sales departments to achieve scalable growth. If your teams aren’t working together, you’re probably not getting the results you want. However, if you’ve already started implementing it, we’ll explain…

5 способов заставить компанию поддержать ваши каналы в социальных сетях

В последние годы социальные сети превратились из интересной идеи в абсолютно обязательную для маркетологов. Из всех способов продвижения вашего бренда социальные сети лидируют с точки зрения привлечения внимания, узнаваемости и вовлеченности. Можно многое сказать о хорошей стратегии в социальных сетях . Но можно сказать еще больше, когда компании удается получить поддержку и взаимодействие со своими существующими сотрудниками….

как email-маркетинг работает для каждого бренда

Email-маркетинг — один из самых эффективных способов охватить потенциальных и существующих клиентов. Хотя некоторые могут подумать, что email-маркетинг подходит только для определенных типов брендов, мы здесь, чтобы сказать вам, что правда в том, что он может работать для любого бренда (при правильном подходе!). Имея это в виду, давайте поговорим о том! как email-маркетинг может быть…