Unfortunately, many managers of wholesale and retail enterprises often face a situation when supervisors, justifying the lack of results in the previous month, say that there were only outstocks and promise radical changes in the near future. What’s the matter? Supervisors do not want to work? Can’t organize the activities of their subordinates?
The supervisor must know:
- how much does each sales representative sell per day on average;
- what is the average monthly active base size (also for each sales representative);
- how much does each outlet sell on average per month.
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If the supervisor does not chile phone number library know the answers, then, accordingly, he does not monitor the work of his team and, of course, does not organize it.
Source: shutterstock.com
Comparing the average daily sales made by each sales representative during the month allows us to understand not the role of retail management in the modern world only whether their performance has improved or worsened (as a rule, this indicator is approximately the same for all months), but also what sales volume can be expected (if no additional training and presentation activities are carried out), and whether it is possible in the current or next month.
Based on the data on the text services number of applications (average monthly active base), as well as on the data on the volume of sales per month, you will understand whether it is worth redistributing the plan between sales representatives, whether it is necessary to hire additional agents or fire those working.
It is better to part with him.
If the dynamics of the active base of a sales representative is positive, we can safely say that the work of such an employee does not need to be monitored. In case of negative dynamics, monitoring is necessary, and, most likely, as a result, you will have to part with the employee.
Sales agent’s daily sales
Even if you are satisfied with the activity of a particular sales agent, be sure to analyze the average volume of his sales per day. It may vary, but not much. If the differences on different days of the week are very significant, then it is worth either reviewing the routes for each day of the week, or, taking these fluctuations into account, developing plans for each day of the week.
Minor fluctuations in the indicator indicate that the agent is working well and external factors do not seriously affect sales. This is a very favorable situation. But do not think that this is the limit and that the indicators cannot be improved. It is possible that training or coaching will benefit the agent and his sales will increase significantly.
Important: if you train a sales representative without analyzing the average monthly active base and average monthly sales per outlet, the supervisor will only waste time. In other words, he will simply work for him.
Average sales per outlet
If the indicator value is low, check what price range and what assortment the sales agent works with.
Please note: when evaluating the indicators, it is worth considering the age of sales agents. If necessary, make personnel changes.