Knowledge and skills required for an SEO specialist

A good SEO specialist must be attentive, competent, and stress-resistant.

A specialist cannot do without communication skills, because in the process of work it is necessary to express their thoughts to copywriters, programmers, layout artists, designers, as well as managers.

An SEO specialist constantly monitors site traffic and other indicators, keeps an eye on competitors. Analytical thinking and a good memory help analyze data and draw the right conclusions.

What it takes to become an SEO specialist

SEO specialist workflows

Strategy and planning of work processes

When an SEO specialist starts  thailand mobile database working on a project, first of all, he creates a promotion strategy. This strategy defines specific tasks that need to be performed during the month for each project. The specialist also plans his workload depending on the number of projects, their scale and the need for daily engagement.
It is worth noting that SEO specialists do not always work directly on the project every day. If the site is small, it is enough to check the analytics once every few days or use dashboards to track the status of the resource. This approach allows you to maintain a balance of working time.


Calendar and KPI management

Most SEOs use a calendar or work email to organize their tasks. Each specialist has specific KPIs (key performance indicators) that they are responsible for. These can be search traffic, search engine rankings, or even sales.


Monitoring and dashboards

To achieve results, it is important to regularly monitor indicators. SEO specialists usually use dashboards for daily monitoring of the dynamics of the resource.  securing data in transit for analytics operations This helps to determine whether the site is growing, falling, or if all indicators are normal. For example, the SE Ranking service allows you to track keyword positions.


Data capture and analytics

SEO specialists also use services to track the positive or negative dynamics of a project. venezuela b2c phone list  They enter the data obtained into spreadsheets for further analysis. This allows you to record important information, which helps not to keep everything in your head, but to systematize data for more effective project .

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