Least two ads running in each ad group for continuous

to “All online campaigns” and be on the “Ad groups” tab. all-online-campaigns This is where you’ll find it. Then .


 make sure you’ve clicked on the “Clicks” column

for descending order (highest to lowest) and that your date range is around two to three months back. Once you’re there . you’ll want to right-click on the top ad groups with the most clicks and open each of them in new browser tabs. all-campaigns-new-tab This also prevents slow browser loading of going back and forth between ad groups.


 Now to the fun part. Go to each of the new browser tabs and pause the ads in each ad group that are performing worse when comparing cost per conversion . conversion rate . and click-through-rate (in that order) between the ads. competing-ads Here’s a look at two competing ads in which one got the axe.


 Can you guess which Make sure you have at 

A/B testing purposes. This will help ta Timor-Leste Email List ke us to the next AdWords management workout. . New champion ad creations ( . minutes) Expected results You’re taking what’s already working and making it better. Building off your past success only makes you stronger.

 Now that you’ve paused lower performing ads

in the top ad groups based on click volu You want to create videos that attract me and costs . it’s time to make new variations of the champion ads (the better performing ads you left running). If you don’t . then you’re missing an opportunity to be constantly improving. If your champion ads have similar ad copy in the top ad groups (or even if they’re wildly different) .


 then I’d recommend isolating one section

of the ads (like description line ) as the part that you’re testing. isolated-ad-section Pick an ad section to isolate and test. When you create multiple ads that share similar ad sections . then it’ll be easier and faster to see if ad performance has improved since you’re now gathering data faster than you would with just one ad test in one ad group.


 Once you’ve decided which part of the ad you

want to isolate and test . use AdWords labels so you can filter to see those ads later on after they’ve gotten enough data and clicks and compare them to the rest of your campaign or account. You can highlight the new ads you’ve created and create a new AdWords label called “New Ad Test .


” or whatever makes it easier for you to keep things organized. Depending on your traffic volumes . you can quickly get an ad data snapshot like the one below (the yellow line is from your filtered ads from your AdWords label). sweet-sweet-numbers Those are some sweet . sweet numbers 🙂 To see if your ad testing has statistically significant results .


 you can jump over to KISSmetrics’ A/B calculator here and type in your clicks and conversions to see your confidence levels. Run similar #AdWords ad tests across multiple ad groups for faster results. Click To Tweet . Bad keyword bid lowering ( . Minutes) Expected results Just as there are different ways you can perform a squat .

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