When smart marketers design landing pages

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Logo By clicking “Accept All Cookies” . you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation . analyze site usage . and assist in our marketing efforts. Product Solutions Pricing Resources Contact Search for: Log In / Design Your Campaigns Are Doomed Without These Articles on User Experience By Brad Tiller on June th .


 in Design User Experience for Marketers . they follow the principles of Conversion-Centered Design . which are focused on guiding the user toward completing an action that serves a single business goal. But in the process of corralling as many conversions as possible . it can be easy to lose focus on the needs of each individual user.


 If people have a terrible experience on your landing page

or at any step of your campaign . you’re gonna have a bad time when you start counting your conversions. That’s why all marketers could stand to learn a little bit more about user experience (UX) design. Depending on who you ask . you’ll get entirely different answers for what UX design means .


 so let’s keep it simple: it’s designing the way users interact

with and consume content . and is conc Cell phone number list thailand erned much more with how a design works than how it looks. Whereas Conversion-Centered Design persuades users to take action . user-centered design seeks to enable users to accomplish those actions as easily as possible. Ideally .

 both of these design philosophies should lead to the sa Data Organization: The Unsung Hero of Business Success in the Digital Age me endpoint: the user gets what they want . and the business gets what they want. Everybody wins! Ready for more win-win scenarios in your marketing campaigns From mobile modals to the science of clickability . here’s some of the best content in the UX community right now — with some campaign-specific takeaways just for you.


 . How to Create UX Personas by Gregg Bernstein for

UX Mastery Meet Jane. She’s in her late s . lives in New York City . and tends to use her phone more than her laptop to access the web. She’s a manager at a small boutique that is looking for tools to help her manage her inventory without breaking her budget.


 She also doesn’t exist. She’s a persona . a fictional character meant to serve as a stand-in for a segment of the market that shares specific traits. Personas are one of the backbones of modern marketing. By creating personas and targeting our campaigns toward them . we can deliver focused messaging and offers rather than just targeting everyone and hoping it works out okay.


 A landing page designed with Jane in mind is

going to look a lot different from a page targeted at someone in their s who isn’t technically savvy. Both marketers and UX designers use personas to better understand the needs . desires . limitations and even the personalities of our

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