Want to find an internship but don’t know how to take the first step

Internships are a great way to explore your future career, but everything is difficult in the beginning. Finding your first internship is the hardest part. How can you find the dream internship that suits you? Glints helps students sort out the preparatory work for applying for internships. And what platforms they can use to search for ideal job openings.

How to take the first step to find an internship? Steps before submitting a job vacancy

1. Lock direction

If you are currently studying, you can target internships relat to what you are studying in the department. But it doesn’t matter if the internship you are interest in is relat to what you are studying. As far as the author’s own experience is concern, as long as your resume proves that you are qualifi enough to do the job, it is also. Can successfully submit job Sri Lanka Phone Numbers vacancies that are not highly relevant to the background. These resume experiences can be present in the form of participating in clubs, organizing activities, or course topics. You can also initiate relat projects independently to show that you are very interest in this field.

2. Research job vacancies

Take Glints Finance Operation Intern as an example. Judging from the job description, the conditions requir include students who are sensitive to numbers, have the courage to learn hands-on skills, work independently and have strong time management skills. From the content of such job vacancies, we can see that they are looking for someone who can carefully handle financial statements, salary-relat tasks, and most importantly, someone who fits the corporate culture (Glints can-do attitude).

3. Write a resume

After researching the job vacancy, you should use your own experience to find out what parts of yourself fit the job description, and write and submit a resume for individual vacancies. For the above job vacancy, you can write about your experience in handling social fees and managing expenses in the club. You can also give an example of self-driven Sri Lanka Phone Number List implementation and emphasize independent planning and time management. part. For example, because you have the goal of improving a certain public service on campus, collaborate with classmates to design and optimize, and complete planning, implementation, and results publication within three months, this example includes the courage to learn and do things, self-direct assignments, and time management.

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